Eureka 440 EMERGENCY Net Preamble
This is (name), (callsign), Net Control for tonight’s Eureka Emergency 440 Net.
This net meets every Monday night at 1915 hours (7:15pm) local time on 444.400 MHz. This repeater has a +5 MHz offset and a tone of 103.5 Hz.
Everyone listening is encouraged to check in and participate in tonight’s net. Also, everyone is encouraged to be Net Control in the future.
- Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the net?
- If you need to break in with emergency traffic, a relay, information or a question feel free to break in with your callsign.
- Any announcements for the net?
- Are there any mobile stations wishing to check in?
- Any stations operating on emergency or alternative power?
- Here is the list as I have it…..(call the roster)
- Any late or missed stations?
- Any visitors?
- Repeat announcements, info.
- Last call for late, missed or visiting stations.
- Hearing none, this is (name), (callsign) closing the Monday night Eureka Emergency 440 Net and releasing this frequency to regular Amateur use.