DIGITAL BULLETIN 04-29-24 Congratulations to Matthew kn6cei on the birth
DIGITAL BULLETIN 04-29-24 Congratulations to Matthew kn6cei on the birth
DIGITAL BULLETIN 04-22-24 Redwood ARC will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday
DIGITAL BULLETIN 04-15-24 Redwood ARC will be meeting Tuesday Next,
DIGITAL BULLETIN 04-08-24 Happy Eclipse day! World Amateur Radio Day
DIGITAL BULLETIN 04-01-24 Humboldt A.R.C. general meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday,
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03-25-2024 Redwood ARC will be meeting Tomorrow, Tuesday,
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03-18-24 Redwood ARC will be meeting Tuesday
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03/11/24 Humboldt County Auxiliary Communications Team’s website is
DIGITAL BULLETIN 03/04/24 ALL HARC MEMBERS: please make sure to
DIGITAL BULLETIN 02-26-24 NWS issued Severe Winter Storm Watch, Wednesday-Saturday
DIGITAL BULLETIN 02-19-24 Need a Net Control station to cover
DIGITAL BULLETIN 02-12-2024 VE Testing in Fortuna, Saturday, 17Feb2024. Contact
DIGITAL BULLETIN 02-05-24 Flood alerts in Humboldt county through Tuesday
DIGITAL BULLETIN 01-29-24 Severe storm warming, Wednesday 31Jan2024, heavy rain
DIGITAL BULLETIN 01-22-24 Redwood ARC meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, 23Jan2024
DIGITAL BULLETIN 01-15-24 Happy Martin Luther King Day. Redwood ARC
DIGITAL BULLETIN 01-08-24 Winter FIELD DAY 27Jan-28Jan2024. Ben kk6syj will
DIGITAL BULLETIN 01-01-24 Happy New Year! Humboldt A.R.C. general meeting
DIGITAL BULLETIN 12-18-23 Solstice -3 Rus NQ6F needs a
DIGITAL BULLETIN 12-11-23 Solstice -10 ISS SSTV event. 16Dec2023@14:00PT to