- Jaye, ke6sls has two 6V 100Ah batteries for sale--$50 makes them yours (both batteries). Contact Jaye @ ke6sls@arrl.net.
- Ham Radio General License Class begins Monday, January 21st in Eureka at 1900L at the Humboldt Bay Fire Training room on 6th street. This will run for 7 consecutive Mondays.
- Winter Field Day will be January 26 & 27. H.A.R.C. is planning to participate setting up in th field Southwest of Blue Lake Casino. Previously, it was announced that there would be setup on Friday. This has been canceled. Monitor FWRA system starting Friday for further coordination.
- Clam Beach Run is February 2nd. First race starts at 1230L. VHF communicators are needed.
- This and following digital bulletins will be available via Packet at W6ZZK-1 145.05 MHz.
- Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net via Packet to WA6NBG@W6ZZK-1 or email to wa6nbg@yahoo.com.