COVID-19 Status:
Humboldt County Cases 15,800/129 Deaths.
Del Norte County Cases 4,557/41 Deaths.
Trinity County Cases *961/*19 Deaths.
Mendocino County Cases 9,871/111 Deaths.
Redwood ARC (Fortuna) ZOOM meeting Tomorrow, Tuesday the 25th at 6:30pm. Topic: Redwood Amateur Radio Club Presents Tim Duffy, K3LR, CEO of DX Engineering. ALL hams are invited for this fun zoom meeting. The invite was sent to HARC Email reflector on january 19th with details.
NBEMS net is Next Monday at 8PM on the HARC repeater.
WWN is Winlink Wednesday Net. Visit the website for details:
On Wednesdays at 1845L the ARRL audio news is retransmitted on the HARC Muni repeater 145.47 MHz. This will be from the previous Friday's broadcast.
Trinidad Clam Beach Run Saturday January 29th. Run begins at 12:30 in Trinidad at Saunders Park. Communicatores are needed at various locations along the route. Plan to meet at Niveen's restaurant 10:00 for breakfast and coordination meeting at 11:15 in the Niveen's parking lot. Please bring a safety vest and a mask. Call Don KE6HEC for any questions. 707 834 0042.
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Key Holders:
Trailer Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - KK6MPV
Club equipment:
WA6NBG: Multi-band vertical and misc. hardware and 146.91 duplexer at Murray Field hanger.
KB6DE: Tower Guys for adjustments. Mast Clamps and Ground Tackle for temporary safe keeping.
This and following digital bulletins will be available online at:
Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net by
1630L via Packet to WA6NBG-1 145.05 MHz or email to
This ends the digital bulletin for January 24th.