March 3rd Humboldt Amateur Radio Club meeting will have a swap meet after the business meeting. Bring ideas on how to attract new members.

Communicators are needed to support the Foggy Botoms Milk Run on Sunday, March 8th. 4 & 10 mile run start at Noon and the 2 mile run starts at 1400L.  Breakfast at Ridgetop Cafe in Fernbridge at 0900L. Contact Don, KE6HEC at or 707 834 0042 if you would like to help.

NET Control operator needed for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net on March 9th.  Contact Don, WA6NBG if you can help.

Technician License class starts March 9th.

March workshop on March 12th will be discussing how to send Packet through the International Space Station. Jaye, KE6SLS, will be presenting stating at 1900L at the Muni Clubhouse.

Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Key Holders:
Trailer Keys - KB6DE - KK6SYJ - KK6MPV
Clubhouse Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - KK6MPV

Club equipment: WA6NBG: Multi-band vertical and misc. hardware at MurrayField hanger. KB6DE: Tower Guys for adjustments. Mast Clamps and GroundTackle for temporary safe keeping.

This and following digital bulletins will be available online at:

Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net via Packet to WA6NBG-1 145.05 MHz or email to by 1630L.

This ends the digital bulletin for February 24th.

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