Tuesday night, May 8 at 7PM local time, Carl, KM6LIQ, will do a presentaton on grounding. This workshop will be held at the Humboldt Amateur Radio Club meeting place, 406 11th Street (corner 11th and E – former Red Cross)
May 17th at 1900L is the EmComm meeting for May. It will be held at the H.A.R.C. meeting place at 11th & E streets, Eureka.
Tour of the Unknown Coast is Saturday, May 19th. VHF communicators needed. Contact KE6HEC for information.
The Pre-Kenetic Race meeting will be at the H.A.R.C. meeting place on Thursday, May 24th at 1900L.
Kenetic Grand Championship is May 26th through May 28th. VHF communicators needed. Contact W6IES for information.
We need a NET Control operator for Monday 28th VHF Eureka Net. Contact Don, WA6NBG.