- Tomorrow,the second Tuesday workshop for May will be an antenna build of 2m 1/4 verticals.
- Thursday, May 16th, Humboldt County EmComm meeting at 1900L, 11th & E streets, Eureka.
- Pre-meeting for Kenetic Grand Championship on Thursday, May 23 at 1900L, 11th & E streets, Eureka.
- Kenetic Grand Championship May 25,26,27.
- Sunday, June 2nd at Arcata High Scool from 0800L to 1500L, Tri-Kids Triathlon. This is a corection to earlier information of the event beung on Saturday the 1st. VHF communicators needed.
- Saturday, June 8th from 0800L to 1800L, Tour of the Unknown Coast. VHF communicators needed for various locations in southwest Humboldt.
- For Tri-Kids and Tour, contact Don KE6HEC at ke6hec@sbcglobal.net
- For Kenetic Grand Championship, contact Peter W6IES at w6ies@ARRL.NET
- This and following digital bulletins will be available via Packet at W6ZZK-1 145.05 MHz.
Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net via Packet to WA6NBG@W6ZZK-1 or email to wa6nbg@yahoo.com.