- NEW! The HARC repeater net has moved from Thursday nights to Wednesday nights at 7:00PM. This will put out new net time 1/2 ahead of the regular FWRA net so users should have less trouble with schedule conflicts! Hope to hear you on Wednesdays HARC net!
- On June 12th, the Second Tuesday workshop will cover elogging software N3FJP and guy line knots. This will be at the H.A.R.C. meeting place at 1900L.
- Tuesday, June 19th, the H.A.R.C. will meet at the regular meeting place to discuss and plan for the upcomming Field Day.
- Thursday the 21st., Fred Flores will present to the EmComm group an overview of the Incident Management System used nationwide. This will smooth the way for online courses.
- Field Day is June 23rd and 24th. Antenna setup will start on the afternoon of Friday the 22nd.
- This and following digital bulletins will be available via Packet at W6ZZK-1 145.05 MHz.
- Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net via Packet to WA6NBG@W6ZZK-1 or email to wa6nbg@yahoo.com.