A Red Flag Warning looms over much of the north coast. We all should be well prepared for this 4th of July weekend, and be alert for any fire or smoke.
ARRL MEMBER BULLETIN: Effective 16:00UTC we will be returning Logbook of The World to service.
Humboldt A.R.C. general meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, 2Jul2024 at 3030 L street, in Eureka at 7pm.
Humboldt Winlink Wednesday Net is every Wednesday. Log into website for calendar details.
HAM luncheon every Thursday at the Village Pantry restaurant in Eureka from 11:30-1PM. Join us for lunch.
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Key Holders:
Trailer Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - KK6MPV
Club equipment stowage: WA6NBG & KB6DE
Bulletins at:
PLEASE send any news, events, or information for this weekly bulletin to Jaye at or packet ke6sls-1 on 145.050.
This ends the digital bulletin for July 1st.