This is a Packet radio RELAY:
Upcoming events.
- 50 years ago the Apollo 11 spacecraft departed the Earth and brought the first humans to the moon! Congratulations to all the crew and staff of NASA! As Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD would say "and that's the way it was."
- This Thursday, July 18th, EmComm on the air meeting on the Far West System at 7:00pm. The scheduled exercise for July 20th will be re-scheduled.
- Saturday, July 20th, Redwood Empire Endurance Riders.
- Tuesday, August 6th, Humboldt Amateur radio club monthly meeting.
- This and following digital bulletins will be available via Packet at W6ZZK-1 145.05 MHz. Also available online at:
- Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net via Packet to WA6NBG@W6ZZK-1 or email to
This ends the digital bulletin for July 15th.