This is from a Packet radio RELAY
Happy Halloween. Be good to your bodies and GIVE THE CANDY TO THE KIDS! 🙂
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club General meeting will be tomorrow Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 7PM at 3030 L street.
Daylight Saving time ENDS Sunday November 6th. Brace yourselves and don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour.
ARRL November Sweepstakes is here! November 5-7 is the CW event and November 19-21 is the phone event. Have fun enjoying the high bands!
Humboldt Winlink Wednesday Net at log in for calendar details.
On Wednesdays at 1845L the ARRL audio news is retransmitted on the HARC Muni repeater 145.47 MHz. This will be from the previous Friday's broadcast.
HAM luncheon every Thursday at the Village Pantry in Eureka from 11:30-1PM. Join us for lunch.
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Key Holders:
Trailer Keys - KG6LHW - W6IES - KK6MPV
Club equipment stowage: WA6NBG & KB6DE
Bulletins at:
Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net by 1630L via Packet to WA6NBG-1 145.05 MHz or email to
This ends the digital bulletin for October 31st.