Weekly Bulletin
From: Don WA6NBG
Bulletins and Announcements for November 23rd, 2020
From Jaye KE6SLS:
"Covid-19 status:
56 new cases today in Humboldt. Humboldt county will move into the Purple Tier tomorrow (most restrictive)
Humboldt County cases 784/9 deaths
Del Norte County cases 273/1 deaths 11/20/2020
Trinity County cases 124/0 deaths
Mendocino County cases 1,424/22 deaths"
The Far West repeater link is down, causing complete link failure in the county. The Fortuna repeater is down until further notice. However, Eureka stations can still reach Fortuna using either the Ferndale repeater 147.090 + (103.5) or the IRLP repeater on 147.445 (-1Mhz) (103.5)
EC-001 class this Wednesday night at 1900L. Use last weeks Zoom invitation link.
December HARC meeting, 12/1, 1900,Farwest System.
From Phil KJ6GQW: "December 5, Red Cross Radio Exercise. It will start with vhf/uhf VOICE communication. Following the voice portion we will progress to using uhf/vhf NBEMS to send RC Custom Flmsg Forms and then to Winlink HF to send these completed forms to the Red Cross Department Operation Center (DOC) in Sacramento, CA”..
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Key Holders:
Trailer Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - KK6MPV
Clubhouse Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - W6IES
Comms Trailer at KG6LHW
Club equipment: WA6NBG: Multi-band vertical and misc. hardware at Murray Field hanger. KB6DE: Tower Guys for adjustments. Mast Clamps and Ground Tackle for temporary safe keeping.
This and following digital bulletins will be available online at: https:www.humboldt-arc.org/catagory/bulletin-board.
Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net by 1630L via Packet to WA6NBG-1 145.05 MHz or email to wa6nbg@yahoo.com.
This ends the digital bulletin for November 23rd.