- Anthony, KG6LHW is looking for photos of 2018 events to include in the December 14th Holiday Party slideshow. Email to: anthonywiese@yahoo.com.
- Tuesday, December 4th at 1900L is the regular monthly meeting for the Humboldt Amateur Radio Club. There will be election of officers for 2019.
- Humboldt County EmComm exercise on Saturday, December 8th at 1000L starting on the Far West System.
- Saturday evening, December 8th is the Truckers Parade. Contact Dale, KF6QIB if you would like to help with communications.
- H.A.R.C. Holiday Dinner, Friday December 14th at Humboldt Area Foundation off Indianola Road. Setup starts at 5:30. Main course provided, bring a side dish and/or dessert. White elephant gift exchange follows.
- This and following digital bulletins will be available via Packet at W6ZZK-1 145.05 MHz.
- Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net via Packet to WA6NBG@W6ZZK-1 or email to wa6nbg@yahoo.com.