Solstice -3
Rus NQ6F needs a UHF NCS fill in for 25Dec2023 & 1Jan2024.
Redwood ARC will be meeting Tuesday Next, 26Dec2023 at the Fortuna fire station, 320 So. Fortuna Blvd, at 7pm.
ARRL Straight Key Night (SKN) starts Sunday 31Dec2023 at 16:00PT through Monday 1Jan2024 15:59PT. Shine up those keys and join in the fun.
ISS SSTV event (last day) Tuesday 19Dec2023 10:00PT. 145.800MHz
HARC/CERT After holiday dinner/awards & swap. RSVP ASAP. 6Jan2024 at 3030 L st, Eureka. 16:00-19:00.
Winter FIELDDAY - Please contact Ben kk6syj if your interested in participating asap. 27Jan-28Jan2024. Email
Humboldt Winlink Wednesday Net at log in for calendar details. No formal net for December, but check-ins will still be logged, see you all again January 2024!
HAM luncheon every Thursday at the Village Pantry restaurant in Eureka from 11:30-1PM. Join us for lunch.
Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Key Holders:
Trailer Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - KK6MPV
Club equipment stowage: WA6NBG & KB6DE
Bulletins at:
YOU can keep upcoming events, news, or informational meetings a SECRET and avoid all those hams joining in. [OR] You can send any news, events, or information for this weekly bulletin to Jaye at or packet ke6sls-1 on 145.050.
This ends the digital bulletin for December 18th.