Weekly Bulletin
From: Don WA6NBG
Subject: Bulletins and Announcements for August 3rd, 2020

COVID-19 Report from Jaye, KE6SLS:
Del Norte County: 89 cases/0 deaths
Trinity County: 5 cases/0 deaths 7/30/2020
Mendocino County: 322 cases/9 deaths
Humboldt County: 233 cases/4 deaths 7/31/2020

Red Salmon Complex Wildfires Burning Northeast of Hoopa grew to 1,877 acres. 0% containment. 3Aug2020

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo scheduled for August 8-9, 2020. Make sure to log in during week and find your favorite speakers! HARC email has more info.

NCS for the Monday night UHF emergency net needed.

SATERN Int'l Digital Net (East Coast) has partnered with ORCA DIGITAL NET and it's affiliates, Western Digital Net, Humboldt Emergency Digital Net, and ID ERC Digital Net for the SATERN Nationwide Digital Exercise. This exercise entails passing digital messages (ICS213) Coast2Coast using only NBEMS software. No internet, traffic nets, CW, Phone, etc. Only NBEMS software and individual digital Operators passing traffic Station2Station. Exercise begins tomorrow, Tuesday 04Aug20 following ORCA DIGITAL NET, probably alittle after 0330z/2030p, 3.581, MFSK-32. Review the exercise here: https://qso.com/satern/exercise.html.

All digital Operators are invited to participate. Read the outline carefully. Take time to log relay data correctly. The information we gather will be very useful. More information: Doug K7KY - ncs@orcadigitalnet.com.

Next monthly meeting for the Humboldt Amateur Radio Club will be On-The-Air August 4th at 1900L on the Far West System.

August is Dues month for the Humboldt Amateur Radio Club. See website for details.

No August Workshop. Instead check out the "QSO Today Vurtual Ham Expo", Aug 8th & 9th.

Humboldt Amateur Radio Club Key Holders:

Trailer Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - KK6MPV
Clubhouse Keys - KG6LHW - KK6SYJ - W6IES

Comms Trailer at KG6LHW

Club equipment: WA6NBG: Multi-band vertical and misc. hardware at Murray Field hanger. KB6DE: Tower Guys for adjustments. Mast Clamps and Ground Tackle for temporary safe keeping.

This and following digital bulletins will be available online at: https:www.humboldt-arc.org/catagory/bulletin-board.

Send any bulletins or announcements for the Eureka Emergency VHF Net by 1630L via Packet to WA6NBG-1 145.05 MHz or email to wa6nbg@yahoo.com.

This ends the digital bulletin for August 3rd.

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